Wednesday, September 18, 2013

REVIEW: Common Descent by Natasha Larry & A Giveaway!!!! =D

Common Descent By Natasha Larry 

Common Descent starts off where it ended in book 2, with Matt figuring out how to help Jaycee learn to control her powers. Jaycee who when she wakes up struggles with her power and the fear she has of it. Also there is an enemy(as always) ready to destroy the CORE and all that they stand for. 

Jaycee is my girl. I freakin' looove her soo much. She's funny, smart, caring and a total bad-ass! She has grown up since we first met her in book 1. She has the whole world on her shoulders, along with all this power that she has to learn to control and fight with. In the last book we see her struggle with this and watched as power nearly consumed her a few times. This time along with Matt and her family we finally start to see her come into her own. She accepts that she has one of the most important roles in the Core and that if she doesn't get her act together and fast, shit is going to hit the fan. 

Matt, ohh Matty. What is there to say about the perfect man? Matt in this book was more cocky then in the previous books. He does a lot for Jaycee and everyone being that he is the Alpha of the CORE but I think that has gone to his head a lot. His ego is kinda big. But I feel like he deserves to gloat some. I mean if I was the perfect woman and someone told me that, I would be all egotistical about it. Matt also has his own trials and tribulations that he goes through in this story. It was kinda sad and I could feel his emotions while reading it. I love his relationship with his mom. You can feel how close they are and how much they love one another.

This book takes the readers for a ride while also providing a lot more information on what Jaycee and the crew's mission is. And it's a lot.....
We meet some new characters in this book as well as some old ones and ones we have heard about but never got the full story on them. 
I don't want to reveal what happens in this book but I will say that it was one amazing story to read. If you haven't read book 1 from this series I suggest you buy! You won't regret it!!! 

One thing I wanted to mention about this series that I don't think I stated in my previous reviews is how wonderful it is to read about a main character that is black and has an amazing dad. It's really refreshing as a black woman to read a story that has such a positive and inspiring black teenager and Father. Not only that but all the characters are multicultural. There is someone for everyone to identify with and I don't see that enough in YA books. 

Thanks Natasha!! I can't wait for book 4!

I was given a copy of this book for an honest review

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, June 21, 2013

Cover Reveal and Raffle!!!

Common Descent by Natasha Larry

Eighteen-year old Jaycie Lerner’s telekinesis is finally in check—too bad levitating a picnic table is now a workout.  Not to mention her previously dormant telepathy is back and raging out of control. As she struggles to relearn her frightening power, the Dey-Vah announce they will soon unleash the supernatural world on the human race.  To make matters worse, people start dropping dead all over northern Alabama. Then, a mysterious new enemy emerges.

Jaycie must elicit the help of the world’s only master vampire slayer and an assassin who gets her tips from the voices in her head.  Strengthening the Core is the only way to protect mankind from the coming vampire army, and they aren’t even the most dangerous threat. 

Jaycie and her family face their darkest hour when an innocent young girl serves as a pawn to form a deadly Alliance. The perfect vampire, Lilith Bradshaw, becomes an eye-opening example of how far the Alliance will go to serve their own destructive ends. The world around Jaycie steeps into darkness, and betrayals from the past threaten to undo them all. 

Author Bio: 
Natasha Larry is self-professed comic book nerd and urban fantasy junkie. She has an M.A. in history, making her a professional cynic. She is the author of the YA paranormal series, Darwin’s Children. She resides in Alabama with her awesome daughter. For more information about her or her work please visit:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Review: Armed and Dangerous by Nenia Campbell

WOW! Can I just say wow. When I first came across Cloak and Dagger I didn't know what to expect. I thought it sounded good and took a chance on it. Can I say that was a good choice. I loved that book so much because it was different from anything else I was reading at the time. I'm into YA books about vampires and werewolves and stuff and I don't really differentiate to other genres usually. (Yea I LOVED Twilight so suck it!) But Cloak and Dagger was so different it was refreshing. 

Ok on to Armed and Dangerous. This book starts off a couple of years after Cloak and Dagger. Christina is setting off to college in Arizona and hoping for a fresh start after all the bullshit she went through. And boy is she messed up. She knows the IMA are still watching her and she is scared(rightly so). And things are alright until she runs in to someone. Then there is Micheal. We learn that after he leaves Christina at the end of Cloak and Dagger that he goes on the run. He's trying to protect her but well....His plans don't work out so well. Thus begins their reunion and they set out to run from all of the people after the two of them. 

This book was everything I hoped for and more. What I really enjoyed about this book was the character growth. Christina is stronger in this book than she was in the first. In this one she starts to come into her own. She now realizes the world isn't always nice and that shit isn't always black and white. It's a world of grey and hers now falls to the darker sides of it. I love that she tells her mom off too. Can I say her parents are a piece of work. Her mom is soooooo self centered and a bitch that I just wanted to punch her in the face. Yes I knew that's how she was from the first book but I still wanted to punch her again in this one. And her Dad is such a pussy it's ridiculous. Anyway. Christina really struggles with herself and emotions in this book. She has to analyze how she really feels about Micheal and with who she wants to be. But she is starting to get to know her real self and that was refreshing to read about. Now Micheal is another story. I like that we get to see how he feels about Christina. He does love her in his own way. It's not conventional and it's not easy but it's his version of love. I like that he wants to be the man Christina wants him to be but he also knows that he is what he is. A Killer. But he really does have a heart. He will do whatever it takes to keep her safe and I love him for that. 

This book was great and I really can't wait for book three. PLEASE WRITE IT SOON NENIA!!! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Title and Cover Reveal!!!!

I was lucky enough to be asked by Robin P. Waldrop to do a title and cover reveal on her second book of the Ties To The Blood Moon series titled Shadow Of The Blood Moon. It is expected to be released on August 10, 2012!!!! Get Ready!!!!!
Genevieve Labreck is back with a score to settle. Her mom has been kidnapped by
Zane, hybrid and all-around monster. Rumors fly that Gen’s mom is holed away in Prague, a
city recognized by humans for its serene beauty and intense culture, but Gen and Will know
something humans don’t. Prague is haunted by dark, evil forces.

Can Gen and Will save her mom, or will they be too late?

Some will live, others will fall. At what price do you walk away from those you love?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Living Violet By Jamie Reed

This book was AMAZING!!! I loved every minute of this story and can't wait for the second book! I love Samara. She's smart, funny, caring, and pretty badass! She doesn't let people boss her around and she stands up for what she believes in. You can't ask for more in heroine than Samara. Caleb is funny and you can tell he cares a lot for Samara. I love that Jamie Reed didn't make Caleb your typical "Hottest most perfect guy in the world" like a lot of YA books do. I like that she made him seem like your average guy in the looks department at least to Samara. I also liked how Jamie Reed made Sam and Caleb's relationship proceed at a normal rate and not love at first sight. It just felt a little more real. I love that Samara had a Filipino best friend and that Samara herself is biracial. You don't really find that in YA books and it's refreshing to read a book where you can relate to the characters culture. So all in all I'm a HUGE fan of this Series and Jamie Reed and I can't wait until book 2!! June can't come soon enough!!!